as電玩永磁稀土行情簡報201609期(總第 125期)03-06~03-12
JL MAG Rare-Earth Industry Price Briefing 03-06~03-12
Week 11, 2016
1.重要新聞簡報Briefing of Important News
n 本週稀土市場稀土價格稍微下跌。亞洲金屬網價格:镨钕金屬330.5-335.5元/KG,镝鐵合金價格1240-1270元/KG,铽金屬價格3050-3150元/KG。
This week price of rare earth decreases slightly. Prices from Asian Metal present: PrNd 330.5-335.5 RMB/KG, DyFe 1240-1270 RMB/KG, Tb 3050-3150 RMB/KG.
n 海關總署3月8日公布,2016年2月我國出口稀土3,240噸,出口金額達18666萬元。2016年1-2月我國稀土出口總量爲7,253噸,上年同期累計爲3,509噸,同比增加106.7%。
General Administration of Customs announced on Mar 08th, in February 2016 China's export of rare earth was 3,240 tons, amounted to 186.66 million RMB. And the export of rare earth from January to February in 2016 was 7,253 tons, compared 3,509 tons during the corresponding period of last year, it was an increase of 106.7%.
n 據外媒報道,7條稀土元素生産線(包括氧化镨、氧化钕、氧化铈、氧化钇、混合稀土、鐵钛合金及氧化镧)近日在伊朗厄爾布爾士省的國家礦物研究中心揭幕。
According to foreign media, seven rare earth production lines (including praseodymium oxide, neodymium oxide, cerium oxide, yttrium oxide, mixed rare earth, titanium alloy and lanthanum oxide) recently unveiled in National Mineral Research Center of Alborz Province, Iran.
2.業内人士分析Analysis of Professional Insiders
A few days ago, GREE Electric made an announcement that they will propose to acquire Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy Co., Ltd by issuing shares.
The industry insiders believe that the new energy automotive is only in the initial development stage, is still far to the first round popularity period, and there has to be product innovation of second and third generations. The potential cruel situation is: black household appliance enterprises have fully accessed to the white household field to take a share, there is almost no difference between black and white enterprises in household appliance industry. Leading enterprises are all with multiple products group of white + black household appliance.
Currently, the smart home system is restricted by consumer capability for long-term, positive competition and grab new Blue Ocean is the best way to shuffle and develop the household appliance industry. Competition will force people to make innovation, accelerate the upgrading and consuming of household appliances.
Overall, no matter how the household appliance enterprises change, they can always not be separated from the theme of environmental protection and interconnection. Motors and sensors are the main components to achieve environmental protection and interconnection, where the application of rare earth permanent magnets is very important. Therefore, the home appliance enterprises competition and the initiative shuffle in home appliance industry provide a good opportunity for application of rare earth.
3. 趨勢圖(參考亞洲金屬網)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)
Mar 12th, 2016
Notes: the information above is for reference only!